Leeds City Council and Croydon Council have selected Stopford’s RAFTS for Registration to replace their now unsupported index and register management system RSS.
For both councils, RAFTS will not only replace the original RSS system but will also expand on the functionality. Stopford’s RAFTS provides members of staff with the ability to have complete management of RSS data, helping to speed up the certificate printing process and reducing the number of fraudulent certificate requests.
The system allows managers to implement user levels including: can print; can view; can edit or can administrate. With RAFTS, allocated staff can input new index and register data along with being able to scan and save registers within the system. These scans can then be cropped to selection within the system to isolate a specific entry, assigned against an index and printed on certificate paper.
Stopford will be working closely with Leeds and Croydon councils to ensure a smooth integration, providing training to registrars at each council office and offering support where needed from the point of implementation.