
– Offer online purchase of certificates by customers for births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships

– Create priority and standard certificate types alongside multiple postage options

– Manage certificate requests received from various channels in one system 

– Indicate whether the certificate order has been paid for and dispatched

– Issue refunds or cancel orders 


Unlock channel shift savings

Still accepting copy certificate requests via email or over the phone? Enable orders to be made 24/7 online, freeing up time and delivering greater customer convenience.

Manage incoming orders

Oversee all orders received, their certificate type and delivery method. Update their progress in real-time, from payment received to dispatched.

Interlink with other certificate products

Integrate Copy Certificates with Certificate Stock and RAFTS For Registration for a complete set of tools for any certificate task.

Looking to try Copy Certificates?

Ready to optimise your online booking and diary management system? Contact us via the form here to receive a FREE system demo with the Stopford team 

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