Oxfordshire County Council have purchased Stopford’s RAFTS for Registration system to be used in the county’s seven register offices.
Stopford’s RAFTS (records, assets and file tracking service), is a comprehensive index and certificate management system presently used by more than 55 registration services across the UK.
Oxfordshire also currently use Stopford’s agenda for registrars system which when integrated with RAFTS, will maximise the service’s full potential.
Using both systems, the council will be able to use online certificate searching and ordering. Customers can use the RAFTS search function through the County Council’s website to find the certificate they need. Once they have paid for the copy certificate, a request is sent directly to the registrars through agenda.
The registrar will be able see the certificate being requested and either approve and print the certificate to send to the customer, or reject the request if they feel it has been made for unlawful reasons.
Encouraging users to engage with the registration service online, will help to save council staff time. It will also save the service money as it reduces the cost per customer interaction.
To find out more information regarding our RAFTS for Registration system, please click here.